PSALM 25: 1-7 | Sing Psalms | Tune - Rockingham
- Adoration (Praising God for who He is and what He is like/His attributes),
- Confession (Confessing our sins to God)
- Thanksgiving (Giving thanks to God for all He has given and continues to give)
- Supplication (Requesting His help, presence, leading and provision – especially for the people of God in our time of worship on the Lord’s Day)
“Our Father in heaven, Many of us come before you today with troubled hearts and minds. We are fearful about our relationships, our health, our finances, our families, our futures and many other things. We confess that we struggle to trust your promises in a way that would bring comfort to our hearts. Instead we doubt your love and concern for us and this sometimes prevents us from praying and bringing our burdens to you. We ask that you would forgive our unbelief, strengthen our faith and grant us a greater understanding of your steadfast love and faithfulness towards all who fear you, in Jesus’s Name, Amen.
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” ; “Cast all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.” (John 3:16; 1 Peter 5:7)
RECORDED SERMON | “The Christian Experience” | Rev. Paul Gibson
Pray that:
- God would grant the grace of repentance and faith to many as they hear the word proclaimed on the Lord’s Day.
- God would grant spiritual revival and renewal to His church, including our own denomination.
- Our online Christianity Explored course would be well attended and that many would come to know Christ as their Saviour and Lord through this.
- Our Government would come to fear the Lord and be wise and united in its decision making.
- God would sustain and bless Doctors and Nurses in the NHS and throughout the world.
- Christians undergoing persecution – in places like Burma & Burkina Faso – would remain steadfast and strong in the faith and that the Lord would stay the hand of those who seek to harm them.
- Marjorie Smart and her children would know the comfort and peace of God, following the death of Rev. Dominic Smart. (Give thanks to God for his life and ministry).
- Rev. Rory Stott & Rev. Angus Macrae would know the blessing of the Lord as they begin new ministries at Ferintosh and Free North respectively.
- St. Peter’s, Kilmallie, Bon Accord, Garrabost, Carloway and Ayr & Kilwinning Free Churches would be led by the Lord to the man of God’s choosing as they seek a new pastor.
PSALM 130:1-8 | Sing Psalms | Tune - Martyrdom
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all, this day and evermore, Amen.