- What is sin?
- Why is sin a problem?
- How does God solve the problem of sin?
A thematic sermon from Rev Robert Walker explaining the doctrine of sin.
Have you ever experienced being overwhelmed with a feeling of intense sorrow and oppression; with a sense of deep darkness and despair; of hopeslessness? Perhaps it was because of the extent of the evil in a fallen world and our awareness of that evil? Perhaps it was because of the personal and direct attacks of the devil? Or perhaps it's because of an acute sense of our own failings in life as believers? You are in good company.
Listen to Rev Paul Gibson preach on how the Lord Jesus Christ in his undefiled and sinless humanity, suffered something akin to this, in the garden of Gethsemane.
In 2 Timothy 2:8, the Apostle Paul writes, "Remember Jesus Christ, risen from the dead..."
Rev David Randall Snr preaches on the heart of the Gospel of God; the power of the word of God; and the mission of the Church of God.
1 John 3:11-24
All people are able to practise acts of kindness and demonstrate love to others; they are made in the image of God. Yet there is a distinct kind of love which is absolutely exclusive to Christian men and women who are alive in Christ which Jesus says will demonstrate we belong to his church by virtue of our union with him.
Have you ever experienced a profound disappointment with God? Have your expectations of God not worked out the way you had hoped? Rev Harry Mealyea draws lessons from the depression Elijah faced after Mount Carmel and the comfort that only God can provide through his compassion.
Is your faith truly genuine? When we are made to feel disatisfied with our Christian experience, our thinking can often focus on what we think we don't have. Harry Mealyea helpfully encourages us to remember the greatest possession that believers do have; our relationship with God since we have been adopted into His family as sons and daughters.
Mark 4:35-41; Psalm 107:23-32
The details in Mark's account of this miracle show the commitment and the urgency of Jesus in his ministry. We also see the awsome power of Christ over the forces of nature and the disciples' continuing lack of faith. Mr Neil White draws some lessons that we can apply to our own lives today as well as some comfort that we can enjoy from Christ's patience with their unbelief.
Matthew chapter 28 describes the fact of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, the first fabrication that tried to suppress the truth of it, and the fruit that comes from it. Rev Paul Gibson preaches the supreme authority of Christ over heaven and earth, the proclamation of the Gospel and the salvation it brings.
The Apostle Paul wrote about "the gospel of the glory of the blessed God" in the book of 1 Timothy Chapter 1. Rev Robert Walker preaches about blessedness and glory and the doctrine of divine impassibility which teaches that God, unlike human beings, is not affected by external circumstances in such a way as to produce an emotional response akin to pain or sorrow.
One of the ways a Christian can have assurance in the faith is understanding the fact that a true believer is one who practices righteousness. Rev Paul Gibson encourages Christians to remember what God has done for us, and in us, through the work of each person of the Trinity.
“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to the LORD your God…For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.” Archives
January 2025