Do you ever look at the oppression of the poor, or the sleaze and corruption in politics and think to yourself, "It shouldn't be this way!" Or perhaps you've come to a place where you realise that riches don't actually satisfy you. Ecclesiastes 5 has much to teach us about the source of true joy. Listen to this evening's sermon, preached by Andrew Shrimpton.
The main blessing of God's everlasting Covenanant is his free gift to those who believe - reconciliation with him. It's so important to remember our great need to be reconciled to him because our sins had separated us from him. We must also remember the means by which God's wrath against sin is appeased, his holy justice satisfied and our sins taken away - by the sacrifice Jesus made for us. Turn to Jesus and believe in his name.
A reflective sermon on the life of Jacob. Rev. Gibson traces the way that the fundamental hallmark of Jacob's life, the grace of God, can be see in how he was saved by God, loved by God (despite his failings) and that his entire hope in the hour of his death remained in the steadfast promise of God's Word.
The second vision in Revelation chapter 14 focuses on Christ's Word as it goes out into the World. Each of the three angels (messengers) makes known a specific message regarding the call of the Gospel, the fall of the worldly system opposed to God (Babylon) and the condemnation of all those who belong to that worldly system to eternal conscious torment in hell. Listen and realise the importance of how you respond to the call of the Gospel.
God is sovereign, not just over history but also in a special way over His people. Everything He determines for his people does, and will, come to pass. The way that God overrules in the affairs of his church is done in accordance with his perfect justice and righteousness. And right at the heart of his sovereign will was, and is, the fulfillment of the covenant promise in the person of His dear and beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Having seen something of the carnage caused by the devil and his minions (Revelation 13 - see last week's sermon) the Apostle John now turns to share the vision of the victory and the sovereignty of God. Jesus is Lord and his bride will be triumphant.
Revelation 13 is a warning to believers about how Satan uses political tyranny and false religion to bring wickedness into the world, setting himself up in opposition to, and as a substitute for the real Trinity of God the Father, Son and Spirit.
“Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to the LORD your God…For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.” Archives
January 2025